English Proficiency:
English Proficiency Test Score (no older than 2 years from the date of application):

TOEFL – Internet-Based 45 or 450 Paper-based.  (Cerritos College Institution Code: 4083)

IELTS – 4.5 to 5.0 overall band score

iTEP – 3.0

STEP-Eiken – 2A (if the score is a 2, a minimum raw score of 2150)

Cambridge English Language Assessment – English C1 Advanced exam with a score of 180-199.

Duolingo – 80

PTE (Pearson Test for English) Academic – 40

GTEC CBT – 1051

Oxford EELT – 4 (Promo code: CCN10)

We also accept Chinese Gaokao​ 90



  1. 参加说明会,了解机会
    在广东深圳国际学校的一次说明会上,我得知美国的喜瑞都学院正在招收国内高中生参与国际双重学籍计划。这个项目让我不用离开中国,就可以一边完成高中课程,一边修读美国大学的学分!只要按照加州大学的必修课表修满34学分,我甚至可以直接转学到美国的加州大学。如果我每门课都拿A,还有丰富的课外活动经历,我转入伯克利或加州大学洛杉矶分校的几率就会非常高!即使不是门门A,我还可以通过TAG(转学保证)计划,转入UC Irvine、UC Santa Barbara、UC Davis、UC Santa Cruz、UC Merced或UC Riverside。辅导员还告诉我,有个台北来的同学成绩一般,但通过ADT计划顺利转到了加州州立大学长滩分校(CSU Long Beach),父母都为我感到开心,因为无论是加州大学还是加州州立大学,都是国内认可的名校。
  2. 申请条件
  3. 成为喜瑞都学院的学生
  4. 学习体验
  5. 优先注册权与支持
  6. 准备转学
  7. 回顾与展望

The following infomation is provided by enlightened education club’s principal Lily Kwok

下面的文件是 晵智教育的李黎校长提供

Online Classroom Platform – Canvas Introduction
What is Canvas?

Canvas is a course management system that supports online learning and teaching. It allows professors to post grades, information, and assignments online. It is being used by universities and colleges all over the world. Canvas is used at Rio Hondo College to create online courses, to replace some of the normal time spent in the traditional classroom (“hybrid” or “blended”) or to supplement traditional classes (“web-enhanced”). While online and hybrid courses are clearly indicated in the schedule of classes, web-enhanced courses are not.

Canvas offers discussion boards for asynchronous discussions, chat rooms for live discussions, centralized email (Canvas Conversations), so you can stay in touch with your instructor and communicate with other students, and even a way to submit assignments and take exams. Canvas provides you with a password-protected online classroom in which you will submit your work and communicate with your instructor and classmates. Note that your instructor uses the tools provided by Canvas to create his or her own virtual classroom, so just as your face-to-face courses vary significantly, so will your online courses. Becoming familiar with the Canvas environment and its tools is the first step in succeeding in your online course.

Canvas provides the tools to support online learning in a variety of ways. This can range from structured learning pathways to dynamic, interactive virtual classrooms. How a course is presented online depends on the content and complexity of the learning material and the delivery methodology used by the instructor.

As with any classroom, it is a changing environment – expect each module to apply different tools and techniques. Join in, ask questions, and participate as you would in any classroom.


Canvas是一個支援線上學習和教學的課程管理系統。它允許教授在線發布成績、資訊和作業。它被世界各地的大學和學院所使用。 Cerritos 學院使用 Canvas 創建線上課程,以取代在傳統課堂上花費的一些時間。

Canvas 提供用於非同步討論的討論板、用於即時討論的聊天室、集中電子郵件(Canvas 對話),以便您可以與您的講師保持聯繫並與其他學生交流,甚至還提供一種提交作業和參加考試的方式。 Canvas 為您提供一個受密碼保護的線上教室,您可以在其中提交作業並與老師和同學交流。請注意,您的講師使用 Canvas 提供的工具來創建他或她自己的虛擬教室,因此正如您的面對面課程有很大差異一樣,您的線上課程也會有很大差異。熟悉 Canvas 環境及其工具是線上課程成功的第一步。

Canvas 提供了以多種方式支援線上學習的工具。這可以是結構化的學習途徑,也可以是動態的、互動的虛擬教室。線上課程的呈現方式取決於學習材料的內容和複雜性,以及教師使用的授課方法。

與任何教室一樣,這是一個不斷變化的環境 – 期望每個模組應用不同的工具和技術。像在任何課堂上一樣加入、提問和參與。

An Example of A canvas class

Useful tool:

How to use
When transferring from a community college to a University of California (UC) campus, is a key tool to help you plan your coursework and ensure that the classes you take will transfer effectively. Here’s how you can use ASSIST to guide your transfer process:

1. Access ASSIST

  • Go to, the official online transfer and articulation system for California’s public colleges and universities.
  • This website provides details on how community college courses are accepted for credit at UC and California State University (CSU) campuses.

2. Select Your Institution and Target UC Campus

  • On the home page, choose the community college you’re currently attending from the drop-down list.
  • Then, choose the UC campus you wish to transfer to.

3. Explore Articulation Agreements

  • Articulation agreements show which courses at your community college fulfill specific UC campus requirements.
  • You can choose a major to see the relevant agreements for that field of study.
  • For instance, if you’re planning to transfer into UC Berkeley’s Computer Science program, ASSIST will display the courses at your community college that match UC Berkeley’s lower-division major requirements.

4. Check Transferable Courses

  • Review which courses at your community college are transferable to UC.
  • General education requirements: Look for agreements that outline which courses satisfy the UC’s General Education/Breadth Requirements.
  • Major preparation: ASSIST will show you what specific courses you need for your chosen major, such as math or science prerequisites.

5. Plan Your Coursework

  • Based on the articulation agreements, plan your community college classes to make sure they meet both the General Education requirements and your major preparation for your intended UC campus.
  • Be strategic about course selection to maximize credit transfer and stay on track for timely graduation after you transfer.

6. Cross-reference with UC Transfer Pathways

  • UC has created Transfer Pathways for many popular majors. You can use these pathways to check that your community college courses align with UC-wide transfer requirements. This works hand-in-hand with ASSIST to ensure you’re on the right track for any UC campus.

7. Monitor Updates

  • is updated periodically, so it’s essential to check regularly to ensure that the articulation agreements and transfer policies haven’t changed.

By using ASSIST, you’ll have a clear roadmap for the courses you need to take, helping you avoid taking non-transferable courses and ensuring you meet all the requirements for a smooth transfer to the UC system.

UC IGETC Requirement

Download Cerritos College UC Transfer Plan C